Fun in the sun - craft and messy play afternoons

On Thursday 28th July and 11th August we invited families to come and join us for some messy play fun outside and some wonderful crafts inside at All Saints Church. The response we had was simply wonderful!
We were so blessed, as the sunshine was very present and really helped with people wanting to be outside. There are many joys when it comes to messy play, but it’s even better when someone else is setting it up and tidying it away! Messy play is beneficial to both children and adults as it allows children to explore, and adults to either watch while their children are very happy, or to join in with them. Both are incredibly special.
At the first session, we welcomed 24 children. We set the messy play up in the car park at the front of the church and, inside, parents and children were able to enjoy special crafts with either a summertime or animal theme.
Everyone who attended either one, or both, of these sessions said how much they, and their children, enjoyed it. This was one way in which God’s work was very visible at our church this Summer, and it was truly breathtaking. Thank you to the team who ran the crafts.
Thank you to all those families who came to join us. We are really looking forward to seeing you when Sunshine Saints starts again on Friday 9th September in church between 10 -11:30, and also at Messy Church, which has its next session on Sunday 4th September starting with breakfast from 10:30. Everyone is very welcome.
By Beth Robertson, Children and Families Worker