Advent and Christmas services & events

As we approach Christmas, why not take some time out of your busy schedule to refocus yourself and reconnect with God at our Advent reflections, where we will be delving into the lives of Biblical characters from the book, ‘Women of the Nativity’, by Paula Gooder.
Set within the culture and context into which Jesus was born, the stories give voice to those whose stories are often spoken over by louder voices. Perhaps we can imagine our own stories finding their place too.
- 30th November: 10am-1pm at St Denys'
- 4th December: 2-3:30pm at All Saints
- 11th December: 2-3:30pm at All Saints
- 18th December: 2-3:30pm at All Saints
Here are the dates for the Christmas services and events for 2024 which are also in our calendar and will be listed on the home page closer to the time:
- 1st December (Sunday)
- Services as usual for 1st Sunday of the month
- including Messy Church where one of the craft activities will be making a Christingle
- 6th December (Friday)
- ACNB will be carol singing in the pubs in Ampfield:
- 7:30pm at The White Horse
- 8:30pm at The Potters Heron
- ACNB will be carol singing in the pubs in Ampfield:
- 8th December (Sunday)
- 12th December (Thursday)
- 10am Carols and Cakes at Welcome Café at All Saints
- 15th December (Sunday)
- Services as usual for 3rd Sunday of the month
- 4pm Carol service at St John’s
- 19th December (Thursday)
- 7:30pm Carol service at St Denys'
- 22nd December (Sunday)
- Services as usual for 4th Sunday of the month
- 7:30pm Community Carols at St Mark’s
- 23rd December (Monday)
- 7pm Alternative Christmas at All Saints - a quiet contemplative service for those who are sad or struggling, whilst others around them may be caught up in celebrating
- 24th December (Christmas Eve - Tuesday)
- No St Mark’s midweek Communion
- 3pm Christingle / Crib service at St Mark’s
- 5pm Crib Service at All Saints
- 11.30pm Midnight Communion at St John’s
- 25th December (Christmas Day - Wednesday)
- 9am Communion St Denys'
- 9am Communion St Mark’s
- 10.30am Communion All Saints
- No Social Hub or Digital Hub
- No All Saints midweek Communion
- 26th December (Thursday)
- No Welcome Café
- 29th December (Sunday)
- 31st December (Tuesday)
- 10:30am St Mark’s midweek Communion as usual
- 1st January (Wednesday)
- No Social Hub or Digital Hub
- No All Saints midweek Communion
- 2nd January (Thursday)
- 10am Welcome Café is on as usual